Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter Reborn is developed and published under the banner of Digital Dreams Entertainment LLC. Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter Reborn game was released on 27th May 2015. It is a sequel to the original dinosaurs hunting game Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter. You can also download Depth Hunter.
There are some very widely spanned, beautifully crafted 3D environments which you can explore. The environments are quite diverse like you can go to beaches, dense jungles, deserts, rocky mountains etc. you also have to keep a check on wind directions as some of the animals can smell you from a distance and you yourself will become a prey. A wide variety of weaponry is at your disposal like tranquilizer gun, silent crossbow, sniper rifle and caliber rifle etc. You can have some sidearms like GPS, radar and cover scent which will mask your smell. A wide variety of dinosaurs is present in Carnivores Dinosaur Hunter Reborn PC game. Which are different in their behavior. All in all Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn is a very interesting game with some compelling graphics which will test your hunting skills. Hunting Unlimited is another game that you can download.
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